Grooming Report Sat. Mar. 18

At least 12-16 in of fresh powder is closing out the season with a bang. Snow is a bit dryer than the last few rounds but did pack down pretty well with the roller. Scott and I headed down to 10K, with Scott scouting ahead to keep me from making any wrong turns in the deep snow. Lower trails and Klaus compacted well and should firm up overnight. Ray then hooked up the tracksetter; nicely setting tracks on the Service Rd. which also should firm up overnight.

As Scott mentioned, the Tram will soon be plowing the Service Rd to allow work crews access to begin work on the tram. Several seasons ago after the plowing, we did try to groom the Service Rd along the side, it was not successful. Thankfully we have Klaus and are planning on grooming Sat. Mar. 25 for the last hooray of the season.

Mid March, Really!
Ray tending to chores

Comments (2)

  1. Hello.

    The Klaus Trail is obviously a major welcome addition to the existing trail network. Ideally, though, it needs some leveling in a few places since it’s located on a fairly steep mountain side. Do you, perhaps, plan to do such a job in the summer? If so, I’d be happy to help out.

    I am a long-timer. I consider Albuquerque the best location in the world for those who, like me, want to ski in the morning and then play tennis in the afternoon. I came here in 1981, have never left, and will never leave. Cheers, Kaz.

    • Jeff Huser

      Thanks for your comments Kaz. Last summer, we did several months of earth work on Klaus starting at the north end and have about a 1/4 mi or so to the south end of Klaus past the south intersection with Rocky point to complete. A couple sections we worked were very rocky and sloped and we got them as level as possible using mini-excavators and jackhammers. As you say it IS a mountain. Next Spring/Summer will continue dirt work on the south end of Klaus, which is not too rocky, and should get that more level. We will announce Saturday work days to do finish work. Welcome your participation in the Saturday trail work!

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